Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Graf #16 Reaction to "Snakes and snails and puppy dog tails" classification essay

I'm going to go with our knowledgeable instructor on this one, I am not going to write my classification essay on people, especially those I have been married to. I don't believe the author of "Snips, snails, and puppy dog tails" eluded to being married to these men, but she certainly could relate. I could very easily, after all I have been married three times. Three seems to be the magic number in this assignment. However, this is a public blog and as mother always said, "When there is nothing good to say, silence is a good sentence to speak." As for me, I think this is going to be an awesome essay to write! I'm very excited to find three objects to classify. I live in a natural state of "OCDedness" my children have shared with me I have CDO instead of OCD because it is alphabetized and that is way it should be. I love putting things into categories. With that being said, I'm off to classify something. Peace, out!


  1. Whew, know what the sad tree said when writing his gf he hadn't seen for a while? "For thee I pine, for thee I balsam."

    You've assigned yourself a tough topic--not the categories but the putting-LB-in part.

  2. im over it and moving on to a different topic..
