Monday, October 8, 2012

Outro Classification Essay My LIfe Without Veg-Canned, Frozen, or Fresh

My dad had seven gardens or more when I was growing up. You can imagine when he found out that we were eating frozen vegetables instead of buying fresh he wasn't long in pointing out that fresh produce was much healthier than anything I could buy in a groceries freezer department. I explained I just didn't have an interest in fresh, they took a long time to cook and the preparation time was too much for my thirty minute or less dinner schedule. My children were old enough now to cook themselves and wanted to try Grampie's garden vegetables instead of frozen. Fresh produce became the new vegetable love in our home. My children would go to the grocery store and peruse the vegetable department like it was a NIKE store. They picked them up, they squeezed them, smelled them, and they bought them. They learned to bake zucchini, stuff eggplant, and whip squash, they made sweet potato pie, and corn chowder.

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