Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Graf# 17 Reaction to comments on my cause essay

"As I said, this needed to be written. You are dealing with cause and effect all right, but in the unconsciously competent way that a mature writer does, not in the mechanical and arbitrary way of the student writer.

So, I'm happy to take this as your cause essay, finished and done. You will have ten more chances to grapple with the formula!"  -John Goldfine

I know this has to be a paragraph, and I may take a zero on this one. But my reaction can be summed up in one word. Humbled. Am I willing to stop there? Oh that I could! It would be a perfect writing in my mind. A one worded response from the person who lives and speaks the short version to everything. However, this assignment will be read by the person in charge of my grade. I should throw a few more sentences in here to make it official. Even though I did look up the structure of a paragraph to see if it could be two-three sentences. My reaction hasn't changed, but desire to conform, perhaps has changed, in the end, I believe I still could have just stayed with writing, as I am, humbled. 


  1. Aw, I would have accepted "Humbled!" as your complete graf--keep it in mind if humbled again.


    Paragraphs can be single words, and the shortest verse in the Bible is only two words: "Jesus wept." That's your combo English/Bible Studies lesson for the day!

  2. ahhh yes John 11:35, as a child it was one of my favorite memory verses from the Bible! Later in my life, as I had grown in my faith husband and I sang a song about it. A different spin on why Jesus wept, the Bible eludes to Jesus crying because His friend Lazarus died, yet earlier in the same passage Jesus has made it quite clear he knew already that Lazarus had died and gone on to Heaven. The song that we sang said, He didn't cry when Lazarus died He cried when He had to bring Lazarus back from the glory of Heaven to this place called Earth again. That's your lesson for the the day!

  3. ahhh yes John 11:35, as a child it was one of my favorite memory verses from the Bible! Later in my life, as I had grown in my faith husband and I sang a song about it. A different spin on why Jesus wept, the Bible eludes to Jesus crying because His friend Lazarus died, yet earlier in the same passage Jesus has made it quite clear he knew already that Lazarus had died and gone on to Heaven. The song that we sang said, He didn't cry when Lazarus died He cried when He had to bring Lazarus back from the glory of Heaven to this place called Earth again. That's your lesson for the the day!

  4. An easy verse to memorize, a harder one to understand.

    I like the idea that Jesus wept in foreknowledge of his own death and his own rising from the dead. His fate was a bit like Lazarus's (both man die and are resurrected), and anticipation of that fate might well bring on tears.
