Monday, October 22, 2012

#1 Timed Constrast Essay the personality differences in two animals you know.

   In my life I have never had a time for nor want animals. I was bitten by a neighborhood dog when I was about nine on the forearm. I never had any real interest in dogs from that point forward. I was a mom at such a young age I had enough on my plate without taking care of animals as well. Growing up we had three kittens, one for each one of us, two of the kittens died about two weeks after we got them and the other lived to a ripe old age and just left home one day some eight years later. I raised both of my children without having a pet, minus the occasional goldfish that usually ended up in the non fish tank. How on earth did I end up with three dogs, at this stage in my life, on top of having no children at home? This is still a mystery to me.

   Let me introduce you to two of our dogs, Gracie and Oscar. I can tell you that while Gracie is our only female Maltepoo, she was born weighing 5/8 of an ounce. The breeder said she was the runt of the litter and would probably not get very big. We paid 800.00 for Gracie, that is about 1280.00 per ounce.  Oscar, on the other hand, was born into a litter about a year and half later weighing 1.5 ounces and was the dog left behind that no one wanted from a litter. He weighed 5 pounds when we brought him home at 4 months old and because of his age we only paid 200.00 for him! He has become the little pup that no one wanted and I love him dearly. Besides, he was a steal compared to the mighty,mouthy one that currently was residing with us.

   Gracie came to live with us on Mother's Day. She was originally a gift for me but this little 2 pound ball of white fur, nestled herself very quickly into my husband's heart. I am the only female in my home, I don't share my husband's affection with anyone else in our home. I want you to know this bitch knows how to push my buttons. Apparently we are both alpha females. It's a constant struggle to prove to her, she is not in charge, nor are my rules open for the popular vote. For instance when I tell her not to get on the couch and she looks at my husband to get his opinion in the matter. It takes a rolled up paper across her backside to get off the couch. But I digress, we do have our moments of mommy and pup-dog time, just not when dad is around. My Oscar, on the other hand, who came to live with us at Christmas time, is a very passive little pup. He is not interested in being in control, he just wants to exist in his little bed, eat when we eat dinner, and get a treat now and then. He is very grateful for just having a home with a family that loves him finally. We have affectionately called him Prince Valium for almost his entire life with us. Recently, whenever this quiet stoutly one lets out an alert bark, Gracie is quick to run over and hump his head into submission. I'm not impressed!

    Oscar doesn't like exercise, he cowers whenever his leash is brought out. I know he looks at it as a form of punishment. I'm not sure if it's because he is too fat to walk or he really is just that lazy. He just refuses to walk on a leash. If you could see him you would understand why. He weighs a whopping twelve pounds now and his legs are only about four inches long from tip to stern. Gracie is a ninja ballerina on her leash, she has a way of walking on her leash and everyone else's as she fights to be in the lead of the pack. He hair blows back and her tongue hangs out as we walk down the quiet country road. Amidst the quietness all you can hear is her panting from constantly trying to stay in the lead. She loves to travel whether it be on foot or in the car, an event that leaves Oscar puking quietly in the back of my Yukon.

    I love my dogs, all of them. As I said in the beginning I haven't quite figured out how in the quiet years of my life alone with my husband we ended with three but there is talk of a fourth. I can tell you even though the price is high, they do live to be 18 years old or so. So in the end we will have gotten our money's worth. But know this, if I have my way, and I usually do, if we do get another dog, we will have another female to balance out our home and perhaps keep Gracie's rear-end in check!


1 comment:

  1. I don't know how we wound up crazy old people with six dogs--certainly that was never the plan....

    Graf 3 is a corker, very amusing. I have a Gracie, but since I'm the guy in the love triangle, I see it a little differently than you do.


    Watch out for inconsistency--grafs 2 & 3 start with Gracie, graf 4 with Oscar. No point breaking up a winning pattern of development.

    Anyway, an hour was plenty for you to organize and detail an easily passing essay.
